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How to start?

What kind of information do you need:

1.) I need to find one specific article. Start by searching for the article on Google Scholar. Do not type in the full reference, article title and publication year will be enough. If you can't find the article this way, go to Hanna and check if the journal is available in Hanken databases.

2.) I need to browse articles from a specific journal. Start by searching for the journal in Hanna. There you will find the link to the database where the articles are available.

3.) I need to find articles on a specific topic. Choose the keywords that describe your topic the best and search in Hanna, Google Scholar or even better- in a specific article database. EBSCO Business Source Complete is a good database to start your searches, for example. You may test different keywords to get the best results.


Why can't I just Google?

La Trobe University

Why use Library Databases?

University of Michigan

Presentations from classes

Individual and group classes

Do you need help with finding information? The library organizes information search workshops every fall and spring term. You can also book an individual session via Bookings or by

How to combine search terms (AND/OR/NOT)

The University of Auckland

Search keywords tutorial

by the Ray Howard Library at Shoreline Community College

Avoiding plagiarism

CNA Libraries