The platform includes the Finnish magazines Talouselämä, Arvopaperi, Fakta, Tekniikka&Talous, TIVI, Mikrobitti and Mediuutiset. The service offers unlimited reading access to news media online services (eg daily articles for subscribers, magazines). In addition, the service contains various databases, e.g. Talouselämä's database for business transactions. Links to Kauppalehti and Optio have also been added to the platform.
Daily papers published in Finland (in Finnish and Swedish). Access only in the Hanken network. (LM Tietopalvelut)
Instant access to 4000 newspapers from 100 countries in 60 languages.
PressReader offers onsite and offsite access to the platform, courtesy of the library. That means, you can use PressReader while at Hanken, as well as after leaving the premise for a predetermined period of time (3 days).
How this works:
A. Access through wifi connection (onsite)
Visit Hanken and connect your personal device to the wifi network, you will be able to use PressReader after leaving the premise for an extended period.
Download Pressreader app
1. Authorize your account under "More -> Accounts."
2. Select "Sign in," then click on "Libraries & groups."
3. Search for Hanken School of Economics and log in.
4. Click "Browse" to find the newspapers.
Access is valid for 30 days. After that, if you are disconnected, simply repeat the login process.
B. Access through library's website (offsite)
This link, PressReader redirects you to the service. As the redirect is through a link, we recommend this method for browser use only.