You can find most of our databases in Hanna.
Databases for subject Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility
A free web search engine for scientific publications. You have to activate Library links in Google Scholar in order to reach the full text versions of articles in licensed databases, when out of Hanken's network.
It is good to check Google Scholar if you are unable to find the full text of an article in our licensed databases. Google Scholar often includes materials from other sources like different universities' home pages and repositories.
SFX is a program that searches for the available full text among all the databases. When an article is not available in one database, click the SFX button to see where you can find the full text. Therefore it is important NOT to limit your searches to full text in any of the library databases!
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
Web of Science provides a single destination to access the most reliable, integrated, multidisciplinary research. Includes data, books, journals, proceedings and patents.
Google Scholar also includes information about citations.