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Guide for new students

Welcome to Hanken's Library! This guide is aimed for helping new students on all levels getting started using the Hanken Library services. Here you also find useful tips on how to search information in databases and how to use proper reference technique.

Use Hanna to find literature

Hanken's search service Hanna gives you access to a wide range of material through only one search. You get access to printed (only material available in Helsinki) and electronic materials, such as e-books, theses, scholarly articles in full text as well as scientific databases.

Watch the film clip below to get started using Hanna. The tutorial (1:33) is made by the Hanken library.

What are scientific databases?

For your university studies you need to learn how to access peer reviewed and high quality scholarly sources through the library's databases. Using information found for example only through Google or Wikipedia is not enough.

Some of the library's material is available as printed books or journals on the library shelves, but most of the material is found online in scientific databases. The scientific databases offered for Hanken's students and staff are accessible only with your personal Hanken user name and password. You can access the resources on remote, 24/7.

Watch the film from NEIU Libraries (1:22) to learn more about library databases:

The databases listed below are licensed and only available for Hanken students and staff. Choose any of the databases to find peer reviewed scholarly articles directly in the user interface of the database. The databases are international, use search words in English.

The anatomy of a journal article

The anatomy of a journal article is explained in the following illustration, created by the American Psychological Association (APA) (see link below). This pictures helps you identify and read scientific journal articles.

Source: American Psychological Association. (2023). Anatomy of a journal article.


As a student at Hanken you have access to about 1 million e-books on the various e-book platforms offered by the library.

perlego logo ebook central logo biblio logo alma talent logo ebsco logo  mot logo

Visit the Libguide on e-books (link below), to find out more on the different platforms and instructions for how to access the books and downloading them.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

A free web search engine for scientific publications.

Library training, search help and guidance

The library offers lectures/workshops in information retrieval and tools that are useful when using information. These workshops are available to everyone at Hanken. Registration ends the previous working day by 4pm. Contact in case you have any questions.

You can also book individual tutoring via the library's booking calendar.


Library workshops 2024 Time Place Registration
Research data management. Are you collecting personal data for your thesis or research project? We’ll explain the essentials. Mon 16.9 at 14:15-14:45 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Learn to efficiently search for journal articles. Find your way in the jungle of library databases. Become more efficient and systematic in your literature searches. We’ll also discuss AI-tools for information searching. Tue 17.9 at 14:15-15:15 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Format documents in Word. We will go through the functions in Word to help you get all the document settings right according to Hanken's standard template. Wed 18.9 at 14:15-15:00 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Referencing APA7-style: do it right and do it quick! Get a fresh start in referencing! Learn the correct reference technique to avoid plagiarism in your papers. Thu 19.9 at 14:15-15:00 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Reference management with Zotero. We’ll present Zotero, a study assistant that helps you improve your reference management. Fri 20.9 at 14:15-14:45 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Research data management. Are you collecting personal data for your thesis or research project? We’ll explain the essentials. Mon 21.10 at 14:15-14:45 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Learn to efficiently search for journal articles. Find your way in the jungle of library databases. Become more efficient and systematic in your literature searches. We’ll also discuss AI-tools for information searching. Tue 22.10 at 14:15-15:15 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Format documents in Word. We will go through the functions in Word to help you get all the document settings right according to Hanken’s standard template. Wed 23.10 at 14:15-15:00 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Referencing APA7-style: do it right and do it quick! Get a fresh start in referencing! Learn the correct reference technique to avoid plagiarism in your papers.  Thu 24.10 at 14:15-15:00 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day
Reference management with Zotero. We’ll present Zotero, a study assistant that helps you improve your reference management. Fri 25.10 at 14:15-14:45 Teams Sign up before 4pm the previous work day

Use of Electronic Resources and Remote Access

The electronic resources are available in the network of Hanken School of Economics or through remote access. Remote access requires the Hanken user ID and password.

Download Libkey Nomad browser extension at for alternative off-campus access to licensed e-resources.

License agreeements

Some of the electronic resources are licensed through the FinELib (The Finnish National Electronic Library) consortium. The terms of use for each of these databases are defined in the licence agreements, and all users must conform to them. Information about the individual licences of the databases are listed in FinELib with information about the user rights for each database.