- Or researchers can follow the following six data management stages in the research planning, active research and results sharing phases:
Before data collection (during research planning phase)
Stage 1. It is highly recommended to write a Data management plan (DMP).
- Most of the research funders require a DMP as part of the funding application process (e.g., by Business Finland), after a positive funding decision (e.g., by the Research Council of Finland, formerly the Academy of Finland), or during the first six months of the project (e.g., by Horizon Europe).
- You can use Hanken's DMP template and guidance in DMPTuuli to help you write and update your DMP.
Stage 2. Identify ethics and data protection issues in your research proposal.
- Follow Ethical principles and guidelines and any applicable ethical review practices.
- Check the six study types described in Ethical review to see if you need to request an ethical review statement by Hanken’s Research Ethics Committee before starting your research project.
During data collection and analysis (during active research phase)
Stage 3. When collecting personal data, you need to:
- Obtain informed consent from your research participants, which is required by research ethics, for example, TENK's guidelines.
- Provide a privacy notice to your research participants about the processing of their personal data.
- Fill in and submit the e-form The Research's Privacy Notice (in English, in Finnish or in Swedish).
- After submitting the e-form, click "Save the completed form as a file." Edit the downloaded RTF file, so it can be suitable for your research participants.
Stage 4. Store, back up and transfer data securely, and organize your data during research.
After data collection (sharing results)
Stage 5. Publish (meta)data in line with the FAIR data principles. See Data publishing and preservation.
- It is strongly recommended to use Fairdata Qvain metadata tool to describe and publish the metadata of your research data. See Metadata and data documentation.
- Qvain is part of the Fairdata services offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture and maintained by CSC. Data described and published by Qvain are transferred automatically to both Etsin (research dataset finder, also part of the Fairdata services) and Finnish National Research Information Hub (research.fi, a service also commissioned by the Ministry and CSC).
- Log into Qvain with your HAKA account, click CREATE DATASET, and fill in the form.
- It is through the metadata that your research data become visible, findable and first assessed for downloads and reuse. Creating appropriate and rich metadata is the key to making data truly open, understandable, and reusable.
- Note that even if you cannot publish and archive your research data, because, e.g., your data contain personal information, sensitive personal data or confidential data, you can still publish the metadata of your data.
- Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license is recommended for published (meta)data when possible.
- Research data are archived and opened in a national or international repository when possible.
- Open/FAIR data can increase the visibility and impact of your research, facilitate disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration, improve data verifiability and research reproducibility, decrease duplication costs in data production, improve knowledge sharing, and contribute to attaining several SDGs. The openness and reuse of research data are recognised as part of a researcher’s academic merits. See Benefits of open data and data reuse.
Stage 6. Register your dataset in Haris and add the persistent identifiers (e.g., DOI and URN) you have obtained from Qvain and/or the data repository for your (meta)data. The information you have registered in Haris about your datasets will be displayed on Haris public portal under Datasets. Please see Register your datasets in Haris LibGuide.

Research Data Lifecycle by DTU AIS Bibliometrics and Data Management, CC0 1.0.