An Article citation count refers to the number of times an article has been cited by other scientific publications.
A higher citation count in the same field published at around the same time indicates that the article has been more influential on the progress of research in that field. But a citation count is a measure of impact rather than quality. It is equally possible that an article is cited to disapprove its conclusions, or as an example of poor practice.
Another article-level indicator is article usage count, a measure of the level of interest in an article. It can provide useful information about newly published articles which have not yet been cited. But be aware that the data is platform-specific. A single measure of usage from one platform should not be treated as definitive. Web of Science has counted usage for each article record since February, 2013 (see the usage count on Web of Science).
Databases that include article citation counts: Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar (Details are described below).
Hanken subscribes to Web of Science and Scopus (available through Hanna). Google scholar is freely accessible, but you need to activate the library’s link and log into Hanna to access licensed materials, when using Google Scholar outside Hanken's network.
Increasingly, e-journal platforms and subject-specialist bibliographic databases incorporate citation information acquired from these sources – You will see "Cited By", "Times Cited" or similar terms in their article records.
To find an article citation score on Web of Science, do a "Basic Search" for the article you are interested in. The number of times the article has been cited will be visible on the results page.
You can also do a Cited Reference Search, which will find citations where the bibliographic details are incomplete or incorrect.
You can create citation alerts and receive notification by email whenever your article is cited in the future.
Note that only the citations from articles/journals indexed by Web of Science will be counted in a Web of Science citation score.
To find out how many times an article has been cited, search for the article in Scopus, and when you reach the "Document details" for the article, metrics are presented on the right side of the page.
You can also create a citation alert:
Note that Scopus citation counts are not complete: Only citations from documents covered by Scopus from 1996 to date are included.
Learn more about How are Article Metrics used in Scopus?
Scopus has developed a Field-Weighted Citation Impact score for articles, which considers the differences in research behaviour in different disciplines. This "normalized" score can be benchmarked against the best in the field and allows you to analyze the impact of articles from different fields.
Learn more about What is Field-weighted Citation Impact (FWCI)?
Many Google Scholar records include a "Cited by" score, which also links to the citing documents.
Google Scholar includes citations from a series of sources in its "Cited by" calculation, including PowerPoints and Word documents, and gives everything an equal weighting.
Search for articles by typing in your interested topic or keyword in Web of Science, Scopus or Google Scholar. From the search results page: