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Formattingguide for Academic texts

On this webbpage you will find instructions on how to write an academic paper in Microsoft Word.

Hanken Style Chart

Before you start writing it is best if you modify the styles into Hanken’s standardized format. Words standard settings are not the settings you should use when you are writing a academic paper at Hanken. When you have modified all the styles to the appropriate settings you can simply choose the correct style without having to do them manually every time you write a paper. If you do feel like doing it manually you can by all means do that but it's not time efficient. These instructions will help you to save time when writing academic texts.

The correct styles are in the chart below:

+ = Create New style. * = Visible only after a function is used.

Style Chart:

Title of the Work Georgia 19 (Centered)
Author Georgia 16 + (Centered)


Hanken School of Economics



Georgia 12 + (Centrered)
HEADING 1 Georgia 13 Bold, ALL CAPS (See more on own page)
Heading 2 Georgia 11 Bold  (See more on own page)
Heading 3 Georgia 11 Bold, Italic (See more on own page)
Heading 4 Georgia 11 Italic (See more on own page)
normal (body text) Georgia 11 Normal text (See more on own page)
Appendices (Insert Caption) Georgia 13 +* Bold (See more on own page)
Tables/Figures (Insert Caption) Georgia 9* Bold (See more on own page)
Citation Georgia 9 + Indented text (See more on own page)
Footnote Georgia 10 + Single spacing; Spacing Before & After 0 pt
TOC HEADING (Table of Contents) Georgia 13 * Bold, ALL CAPS (See more on own page)
TOC 1 (Table of Contents) Georgia 11 * ALL CAPS (See more on own page)
TOC 2-4 (Table of Contents) Georgia 11 * (See more on own page)
Reference List text Georgia 11 + Single spacing (See more on own page)
Page Number Top of page Center (See more on own page)
Marginals Top: 2,54cm Bottom: 2,54cm Left: 2,54cm Right: 2,54cm
Header & Footer Header from Top: 1,25cm Footer from Bottom: 1,25cm
Line and paragraph spacing 1,5  
Page Size A4  
Font Color Black