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Haris - Hanken research database

Guide to Haris - Hanken's research database

Register your projects

Both externally and internally funded projects can be registered. The basic information about a project is are added in the Projects content type. If you do not want a project to be displayed on Haris public portal, you can mark it as Restricted to HARIS under Visibility in the registration template.

The project model in Haris

The projects model in Haris consists of three modules – ApplicationsAwards (research funding), and Projects. In practice, this means that there are separate templates in Haris for a project and its funding information. That is, the basic information about a project and the information about the project's funding are registered in separate templates as separate entries in Haris, which can then be easily connected to each other. This project model enables more detailed information of the project funding.

The Applications module is intended to register information about research funding applications. This module is not used at Hanken, as project funding applications are handled according to the instructions of Research Funding by the Research Services.

Projects are registered as follows:
a) Enter a project's information in the Projects registration template.
b) If the project has received internal or external funding, enter funding information in the Awards template.
c) Link these two entries together. It can be done in both templates. See instructions below.
d) Edit and link entries afterwards if needed, for example, linking the project with related publications, activities or other content related to the project.

Register project with the Projects template

A Project means a work or assignment that is performed to achieve a certain goal. A project has a start and end date. In Haris you can register both short-term projects and projects that are ongoing for a long time. For funded projects, the project submission should be linked to the awards content type. It is also strongly recommended to link other content types that are related to the project, e.g. research outputs, activities or press/media. This helps to build up a context for your the project and all related content is available at the project page.

  • Start to register a project by clicking the button Add new content in the right upper corner in Haris administration interface or the plus sign “+” when you hover over Projects in the left-hand-side menu.


  • Choose Externally funded project, Project funded by Hanken/Hanken funds or Other project depending on what kind of project you wish to register.
  • Fill in relevant information in different fields. Note that you can fill in information in English and/or in Swedish by changing the language version through the small flag icons in the upper left corner.
  • Fill in the following information. Mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk * in the template.
  • Classifications – Nature of activity type, i.e., the type of activity (for example, research, dissertation, teaching, etc.)
  • Title of project *
  • Description of project
  • Participants *
    • Add internal as well as external participants.
  • Project managed by
    • Managing organizational unit is added by default based on the internal participant.
  • Collaborative partners *
    • For collaborative projects, add information about collaborative partners.
  • Life cycle (add the start and end date of the project)
    • If the project ends before the specified end date, click Curtailed and add a new end date.
  • Related applications and awards
    • Add any record containing information about this project's research funding if the project has received funding. See the image below.
  • Related projects
    • Add any project record related to this project.
  • Research outputs
    • Add any record containing research outputs related to this project.
  • Keywords can be added to describe the project, both pre-defined and free text keywords.
  • Visibility – The default setting is Public - no restriction, which can be changed to a more restricted option if needed.

If the project has received funding, use the Awards template to register information on the funding. See instructions below.

Link the project with its funding information under the heading Related applications and awards. It is important to link a project to other possible related content types. By doing so the project is given a context and is exposed including all the content types that the project has resulted in.  See an example of this in the Haris public portal.

Register project funding with the Award template

Details about the funding of a project are added in the Awards content type. The Awards template should be connected to the Projects template, that contains the basic information of the project.

  • Start to register the funding information of a project by clicking the button Add new content in the right upper corner in Haris administration interface or the plus sign “+” when you hover over Awards in the left-hand-side menu.


  • Specify award type by choosing the funder (e.g., Academy of Finland, Business Finland, etc.) and then choose Award, Renewal or Additional funding.


  • Fill in relevant information in different fields. Note that you can fill in information in English and/or in Swedish by changing the language version through the small flag icons in the upper left corner.
  • Fill in the following information. Mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk * in the template.
  • Classifications Nature of activity type, i.e., the type of activity (for example, research, dissertation, teaching, etc.)
  • Title of project *
  • Description of project
  • Award holders *
    • Person at Hanken receiving the award. Add also external persons if needed.
  • Award managed by *
    • Managing organizational unit is added by default based on the award holder.
  • Collaborative partners *
    • For collaborative projects, add information about collaborative partners.
  • Funding * (see picture below)
    • Funding organization *, awarded amount * and currency
    • You can choose the visibility for the funding information. The default setting is Public no restriction, which can be changed to a more restricted visibility option if needed.
  • Life cycle (add the start and end date of the project, and the award date) *
    • If the project ends before the specified end date, click Curtailed and add a new end date.
  • Related projects
    • Add any project record related to this funding information.
  • Related awards
    • Add any record containing information about related research funding.
  • Keywords can be added to describe the project, both pre-defined and free text keywords.
  • Visibility  The default setting is Public - no restriction, which can be changed to a more restricted option if needed.

Under Fundings, add information about the funding, such as funding organization, amount, and currency.


Under Related projects, connect funding information with any record containing information about the project.

Edit a project or award

Edit a record containing information on a project or funding

If you need to edit information about a project or award, open the record by clicking on the pen symbol. In the opened template, you can also retroactively link the project to a record containing funding information.