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Haris - Hanken research database

Guide to Haris - Hanken's research database

What is Haris?

Haris is Hanken's current research information system (CRIS). The research conducted at Hanken is made visible visible via the Haris portal.

All Hanken researchers are responsible to see to tat their publications and other research related activities are registererd in Haris.

By adding your ORCID ID to the profile you can easily transfer records between systems and thus diminish the amount of manual work.

Haris is the abbreviation of Hanken Research Information System.
Haris is run on PURE (PUblication REsearch), a Current Research Information System (CRIS), an Elsevier product.

What should I do about my profile?

It is highly recommended that you edit and enrich your personal profile. The profile is shown in the Haris public portal. You can, for example, describe your research interests, add keywords describing your research, add links to your social media profiles (e.g., X, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Google Scholar profile), upload a photo and more. 
Read more about Edit profile and Haris public portal.

Who shall register?

All researchers who are employed by, or affiliated with, Hanken shall submit their research merits in Haris.

The individual researcher is responsible for registering her/his research merits. In practice, the amanuensis or helpdesk at a department can complete the registration, in accordance with the department’s arrangement. The library validates the publications registered in Haris, but is not responsible for registering the metadata themselves. The projects are monitored by the Centre for Research, while the accuracy of registering the activities is not controlled.

New employee at Hanken

As a new employee at Hanken, you should add your publications published during the five previous years (current year included) to Haris, even if they are not affiliated to Hanken. This is required for reporting to the accreditations.
NB! If you have co-authored publications with Hanken-affiliated researchers, the publication is probably already submitted to Haris and you should not add a duplicate record. This can easily be checked in the Haris portal or in by searching in the editor when logged in.

If you have previously been affiliated with a university using the Pure software, your research outputs can be imported. There are also other options for importing data. Please contact for help with importing and adding previous publications.

What should be registered?

All the research merits carried out at Hanken should be registered in Haris. This means that you should register all your publications, activities and projects, corresponding to what you would tell about yourself in your CV.

Recently employed researchers should register retrospectively all their publications published during the last five years, including those that were not conducted at Hanken. Researchers can also register their older publications.

In principle, the following should be registered in Haris:

•  Profile information

The profile information and the metadata in Haris are displayed on your personal home page and Haris public portal, and can be extracted to make CVs in different ways for various purposes with the CV-tools in Haris.

Basic information about you and your affiliation with Hanken is pulled from the HR database every night and cannot be edited in Haris. If you find errors in your information, you should report them to

We recommend that you upload a profile picture, add details about your education, research interests and career, and shortly describe your curriculum, in order to enrich the information publicly available. If possible, add the information both in English and Swedish. By highlighting some of your publications, activities and project, you also choose those to show up publicly.

See instructions on how to edit profile.

•  Publications

All publications such as journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, books, reports and thesis should be registered. Publications directed at the general public should be registered as well. See more information at Register publications.

•  Activities

Activities cover a wide range of actions that include publication peer-reviewing and editorial work, participating in or organizing an event, talks or presentations, visiting an external institution, hosting a visitor and PhD thesis supervision, defence or examination. We recommend that you register all the activities that you want to use in your CV.

Press and media activities resulting from researchers’ professional expertise, as well as Prizes and other professional distinctions a researcher have been awarded, are also registered.

See instructions on how to register activities.

•  Projects

Projects include information about research collaboration, experiments or others that might require multiple researchers and organisations. Both externally and internally funded projects can be registered. See instructions on how to register projects.

How to register?

On the pages edit profile, register publications, register activities and register projects there are detailed instructions about, respectively, how to register your research merits, and how to update your profile information in Haris.

Amanuenses, department secretaries and helpdesk staff can help you with the registration of publications and activities. You can also send your questions to

When to register?

We recommend that you register your research merits and update your profile information continuously in order to keep your personal webpage up to date.

Publications can be registered even before they are published. In that case, you should use the publication statuses Submitted, Accepted or E-pub ahead of print. The publications are approved by the library continuously. The publications are reported to the Ministry of Education and to the accreditation organisations according to specific timetables in connection to self-assessments and annual reporting.

Activities should be registered in December every year.

Projects are registered as soon as you get a positive funding decision. Remember to include the project's end date and to change the status of the project when it ends.

How to log into Haris?

Researchers log into Haris using their Hanken username and password through the link Tools > Haris Admin on the Hanken website, or through the link


Find Haris public portal under Tools > Haris on the Hanken website or through the link


Problems with login?

Who has access to Haris? Who uses Haris?

Haris’s users include:

  • Researchers
  • Amanuenses and Helpdesk
  • Library
  • HR department

There are many levels of access granted to Haris users. Different users have different access rights and see different views in Haris. They also have different login paths (via Shibboleth or not).

Help and support

If you want to learn more how to use Haris, help and support is available at all times located at the bottom right of the browser window in Haris. Click on Manual, and a window will open with extensive description of various features and a range of more detailed tutorials.

You can always contact us at if you have any questions about Haris and registration in Haris, or if you need help with self-archiving or other open access publishing issues.

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Service break

There is a regular service break in Haris on the second Thursday every month, usually at midday.

The service break usually last about 15 to 30 minutes.