We recommend that you register all the activities that you want to use in the CV tool. It is mandatory to register international visits to and from Hanken (incoming and outgoing faculty mobility), since these are reported to the Ministry of Education on the basis of Haris data only. Conferences are not considered to be faculty mobility.
Also other types of activities should be reported. Activities are relevant for several reports compiled at Hanken as well as for collecting data on societal engagement and impact.
If you do not want an activity to be shown in the public portal, you can mark it as Restricted to Haris in the Visibility section in the registration template. The default setting Public – No restriction means that the activity is visible on the internet.
The following instruction is about how to register outgoing and incoming visits (faculty mobility).
Begin to register a new outgoing activity entry by clicking the button Add new content in the right upper corner in Haris’s administration interface or the plus sign "+” when you hover over Activities on the left-hand menu.
Incoming faculty mobility must be registered by a host at Hanken. This means that every guest at Hanken must have a host.
In the section Relations, you can combine a publication (research output) with other content types that are related to the publication. Click on the content type you want to relate to, for example, a project, and search for the name of the project. Note that the project (or other content type) also needs to be registered in Haris in order to be related to.
Relations can be created between all content types.
It is strongly recommended that related content types are linked together since it helps build up a context your own research and for the research conducted at Hanken overall. See an example of this in the Haris portal.
Use the following categories when adding activities into Haris:
• Publication peer-review and editorial work is the right category for all editorial work by a reviewer, editor, editorial board member, etc..
• Conference visits should be added in the category of Participating in or organising an event (including conferences, workshops, courses and seminars). Activity as a conference organizer is included in the category. Lectures for the general public is also found in this category.
• Invited talk and oral presentation is found under Talk or presentation.
• Peer reviews for external organisations is added in the category Consultancy and peer review for external organisations.
• Assessment of candidates for academic posts is found under the category Membership.
• Outgoing academic visits (faculty mobility) include visits both abroad and at Hanken. Choose Visiting an external institution. You can specify the Degree of recognition by choosing international, national, regional or local.
• Incoming visits (faculty mobility) are registered by the host at Hanken. Choose Hosting a visitor.
• Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination should be used for all activities associated with PhD examinations. Choose Examination.
• Coordination of external teaching, subject or project and activites related to coordination is added under Other.
• Note that Prizes and Press/media are found as separate headings in the menu at the left-hand side.
Blogs are registered under Press/media.