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Haris - Hanken research database

Guide to Haris - Hanken's research database

Getting started with your profile

If you are academic staff emploed by Hanken, you will automatically have a personal user account in Haris and a profile in the Haris public portal.

Haris is integrated with Hanken’s website, so a researcher’s profile in Haris portal is linked to the researcher page on Hanken's web. Haris proves to be a useful tool to disseminate information about your research in different channels.

Therefore, we recommend that you manage your profile to enrich the information about your research. You can, for example, upload a profile picture, add details about your education, research interests and career, and shortly describe your curriculum. If possible, add the information both in English and in Swedish.

See How to edit your profile, Make your CVs in Haris and How to create and connect ORCID ID.

New employee at Hanken

As a new employee at Hanken, you should add your publications from the five previous years (current year included) to Haris, even those that are not affiliated to Hanken. This is required for reporting to the accreditations.
NB! If you have co-authored publications with Hanken-affiliated researchers, the publication is probably already submitted to Haris. In this case you should not add a duplicate record. This can easily be checked in the Haris portal or in by searching in the editor when logged in.

If you have previously been affiliated with a university using the Pure software, it is possible to import your research output. There are also other options for importing data. Please contact for help with adding previous publications.

Personal user overview

When logging in to Haris the start page is your personal user overview. This how you, as a personal user, can access, work, explore and add content within Haris. The personal user overview is available only to yourself and Haris administrators. Note that the personal user overview is not the same as your portal profile. The components of the overview is introduced below.

Researcher profile

Your primary information is presented in this section.

  1. My public profile links to your profile in the Haris public portal.
  2. Curriculum vitae will appear here if you have added a public CV to Haris.
    See instructions for adding a CV.
  3.  -
  4. ORCID link will appear here if you have an ORCID account and linked it to Haris. It is highly recommended that Hanken researchers should have an ORCID id and add it to Haris.
    The link Authorise export of content to ORCID will direct you to the ORCID site where you can generate your ORCID ID (if you do not already have one) and/or authorise the export of content (e.g. research outputs) from Haris to your ORCID account.
    Learn more about ORCID id and Haris.
  5. Edit profile allows you to edit and enrich your profile, i.e. by adding a photo, research information, linking to your social media profiles and more.

PlumX Metrics

This section shows summaries of all your research output with associated PlumX metrics. If there are changes in the metrics between logins, the changes will be shown above the total for each metric.

Image of PlumX metrics


  1. Click on the link Read more about PlumX for more information on each of the PlumX metrics.
  2. For 9 of your research outputs with associated PlumX metrics...
  3. (out of a total of 10), since your last login, the usage metric total has increased by 21 to a new total of 102. There have also been 7 new citations to one or more of the 9 research outputs, with a new total count of citations of 66.
  4. View research output with associated PlumX metrics in Pure.
    Note: Metrics from Plum are limited to what is indexed in Plum. As more content is indexed by Plum, coverage will increase. Updates to most metrics are processed by Plum on a weekly basis. Therefore, if you login more than once in a week, changes will not be shown until you login the following week.

Learn more about PlumX indexing and coverage.

Filter research output with PlumX metrics

When clicking on the link View research outputs with PlumX data you will be transfered to the editor, having the PlumX filter activated.

In the editor, you can filter research output to find those with PlumX metrics.


PlumX metrics per research output

You can examine PlumX metrics counts per research output by opening the submission and navigate to the Metrics menu tab. The metrics is shown as below.


Content inventory

The content inventory is a summary of your content in Haris, by content type. Content types are ordered by the count of each sub-type. When clicked, each type and sub-type will be opened in the overview editor, with the appropriate filter activated.

Project overview

The project overview is a visual summary and exploration of your projects and associated outputs. You can quickly determine if your projects and their associated content are complete and correct.


Project timeline


project timeline

  1. Select the time range you would like to view.
  2. Click though to specific project overviews (details on the Individual project overview screens is found below), with PlumX metrics shown for your projects and individual research outputs.
  3. The project overview displays output related to a project within the specific project’s timeline for easier estimations of output volume and publication year.
  4. Projects are sorted by start date, with the earliest projects at the top. Projects that have no end dates are shown with an ellipsis ( … ), and projects with no start or end date only display the project title.
  5. Project related metrics such as count of ongoing projects, and applications and awards counts and amounts are shown in the project inventory. Click on any of the metrics to open the appropriate editor window.
  6. A scroll bar appears within the project timeline window when there are 7 or more projects.

Individual projects

When you click on an individual project in the project overview, a modal box will display the individual project in a timeline.

  1. The title of the project.
  2. The period the project is active.
  3. An option to edit the project via the project editor.
  4. The PlumX metric(s) associated with the research output of the project.
  5. The project timeline, including a time range selection option, and your research outputs related to the project, oriented by publication date on the timeline, and distinguished by type icon. The individual outputs are grouped if they have very close publication dates, with counts displayed below the icon if there are more than one output.
  6. Outputs with updated PlumX data are shown with an orange ring icon on the timeline and a circular orange badge on the icon. Click on the icon to bring up the list of research output(s).
  7. The title link, if clicked, will open the research output editor window.
  8. If available, the associated PlumX metrics are shown below the output. A circular orange badge is displayed next to the updated metric, and to view Plum’s summary page for that specific research output, click on the See details link.

Research relation and collaboration overview

Using the research relation and collaboration overview map you can interact with, and explore, your relationships with your research output, activities, coauthors and affiliations.


  1. Switch between showing all content relations in your network or co-authorships.
  2. Set yourself as the focus point within the network.
  3. Arrange the network map for optimal viewing and zoom in or out of the network.
  4. If an entity has been selected in the network, it is shown at the top of the network,
  5. with the option to set the entity as focus point,
  6. or examine the details of the entity via the appropriate editor window.
  7. To help speed up load times, a maximum of 50 top linked relations (and 100 top collaborations) are shown. You can show more content using the link, but this may have a detrimental effect on performance.
  8. Relation types can be filtered using the drop down filter tool bar.
  9. The network inventory highlights your top collaborating individuals,
  10. and your most frequent affiliations listed in the research outputs. If you click on either metric, you will be presented with the overview editor of all your research outputs related to those collaborators or institutions.

Add content

Use this to add new content to Haris. It opens a new window that allows you to select a template or to import content from external databases.
add content icon

Tasks and notifications

Tasks will alert you to actions you might want to do. Typically, it can be research outputs that need to be "ushed to the next workflow step". Click on a task to review and take action on it.

Notifications lets you know if you have been added to content. Click on Got it! if the notification is correct and you want to remove it. Notifications older than 6 months will automatically be removed.

Manage your personal information

After logging into Haris, click on Edit profile to edit your profile and tell more about yourself and your research. You can enrich the information in your profile by using the fields and features as described below.

Personal identification

Basic information about you, your title (academic degree), education information and your organisational affiliations with Hanken is pulled from the HR database Mepco every night and cannot be edited in Haris. If you find errors in the information, you should report them to Information synchronized from Mepco is marked with this symbol .

  • Name variant - Your name is synchronized from Mepco. If you wish to use another name in Haris, click Add name variant and select type:
    • Default publishing name - This name is shown in all content related to the person.
    • Former name - Any former name you have been known by, not visible in the portal.
    • Known as name - The name is shown in the portal.
  • ORCID link will appear here if you have an ORCID account and linked it to Haris.

It is highly recommended that Hanken researchers should have an ORCID id and add it to Haris.
Learn more about ORCID id and Haris.

  • Use Profile documents > Add file for adding a photo and uploading a file containing your CV. Accepted file types for profile documents are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp and .gif.
  • Links > Add link enable you to add links to your social media profiles, such as LinkedIn, Mendeley, ResearchGate or Twitter. You can also add a link to, i.e., your Google Scholar profile or your personal web page. These links are shown in the public portal under your photo, as shown below. A link to the Scopus profile is set by default for researchers having a Scopus id.


Curriculum and research description

  • Add profile information takes you to a screen where you can use the drop-down menu to add information about:
    • Curriculum
    • Research and teaching information
    • Research areas
    • Additional education information
    • Education information
    • Research interests.

You can fill in each empty box with free texts in English and Swedish. You can add the English text also in the Swedish editor. If leaving empty, your profile will be empty in this language version.

To enhance your fingerprints shown in the public portal, it is especially important to add Research areas and Research interest.
Learn more about the fingerprints feature.

The information in the field Education information is pulled from Mepco and can not be changed, but additional information can be added by choosing Education information and Additional Education Information, in the drop-down menu of Add profile information.

Click Create when you are done writing your text.
Remember to click Save at the bottom of the editor to have the information shown on your profile page.

Organisational affiliations

  • The information is drawn from the HR system Mepco and cannot be updated in Haris. You can use the text box under the heading Further information on the affiliation, for additional information, if needed.

Positions outside Hanken

  • You can add external positions by clicking Add External Position.


  • You can also add information about education and academic qualification by clicking Add education/academic qualification.


  • Add keywords describing your field of research. The classification scheme is set by the Ministry of Education. After you have chosen a fixed keyword (mostly used at Hanken: 511 Economics or 512 Business and Management), you will get empty fields for free text keywords to  describe your fields of research more in detail.

The keywords are shown on your public portal profile.

To enhance your fingerprints shown in the public portal, it is important to add also keywords. Learn more about the fingerprints feature.


  • Add sustainable development goals, if relevant to your area of research. One ore more SDGs can be added.

The keywords are shown on your public portal profile.

See the video SDGs and research for more information (click on video to login).


  • The visibility is by default set to Public - No restriction. As a Hanken employee your profile should be visible in the public portal. If leaving Hanken, your profile will automatically be deactivated and not visible in the public portal.

Automated search

Automated search allows a researcher to add names or IDs to be matched in any of the available online sources. This will then make Haris look for content that matches either the name or ID and inform the researcher about a potential match in the online source reflected by a personal task named "Candidates in X".

Example: The researcher will be informed of a personal task named "Candidates in Scopus" if the selected source is Scopus:

Options to improve your portal profile

Settings influencing your Haris public portal

The Person profile settings page also contains a number of sections dedicated to the public portal profile. By using and managing these features you can improve your online profile.

Personal profile in the portal

The basic information in the portal profile includes basic information such as name, title and organisational affiliation at Hanken.
To enrich what is shown in your portal profile you log in to Haris admin and Manage your personal information to add the following:

  • ORCID id
  • Picture
  • CV
  • Curriculum and research description (including Curriculum, Research and teaching information, Research areas, Education information, Research interests)
  • Keywords to describe your field of research, either pre-defined according to the classification of the Ministry of Education, or combined with free text keywords.
  • SDG badges, if your research is related to one ore more SDG goals.
  • Links to your profiles in other services such as ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Mendeley, Twitter or Facebook. Links to your GoogleScholar profile or your personal web page can also be added. The links to profiles in other services are shown below the picture in the portal profile. A link to the Scopus profile is set by default for researchers having a Scopus id.


Collaboration network map

Collaboration map. A visualization of your research network, showing other researchers and institutions you have worked with or have co-authors at during the past five years. Collaboration details can be shown as a map, as profiles or research units. By clicking on a dot, you can see more information.

The collaboration network map indicates the location of collaborations within the past five years by showing the countries/regions (and where possible, states) where you had an affiliation or where co-authors of your research outputs were affiliated. The network map is based on research outputs and projects.


You can hide the collaboration map to be shown on your public profile if you feel it doesn't add to your profile or does not properly reflect your international collaborations. Note that the collaboration map is improved by adding external organisations to research outputs and activities.

To disable map navigate to Edit profile > Portal profile > Collaboration map > Toggle off Show collaboration map on profile. Note: Only the map is hidden, not the Network section showing the number of collaborations.

Overview page and highlighted content

By default, the five most recent items for each content type is shown on your overview page in the public portal. Alternatively, you can choose certain items to expose at the top of your overview by using the Highlighted content function.

To edit Highlighted content navigate to Edit profile > Highlighted content.

Choose the type of content you want to highlight - research outputs, activities, prizes, or projects. Click the plus sign and search for the content you wish to highlight. Maximum five items can be chosen for each content type.
After adding the entries, you can change their order with the arrows (↑ and ↓) or delete or delete them with the cross (X) showing up to the right when you put the mouse on top of an entry.

Remember to click Save before closing the window.

Fingerprint concepts

A fingerprint overview with the top fingerprint concepts is shown in your personal profile, and may look like this:

Fingerprint is an index of weighted terms, visualized according to their weight. The Fingerprint Engine mines the text of documents to generate a ‘fingerprint’ of key concepts based on the available text data related to a piece of content. It mines the text of scientific documents such as publication abstracts, profile information and other sources.

The Elsevier Fingerprint Engine is a back-end software system that extracts information from unstructured, English-language text and creates an index of weighted terms that characterize that text. The Fingerprint Engine uses a variety of thesauri to support applications pertaining to different subject areas.

Fingerprints are constructed by mining concepts from scientific documents and listing how closely the analyzed documents/texts are related to concepts. New concepts may not appear in your Fingerprint if they have not yet been added to Elsevier Fingerprint Engine during a regular update.

These fingerprint concepts provide a quick snapshot of the key topics covered by the content and can be used during search and filtering. In the Haris portal, it can also be used for finding similar researcher profiles.

You can choose which fingerprint concepts to show in your personal profile. Edit fingerprints by navigating to Edit profile > Fingerprints.

Learn more about Fingerprint indexing.

Scopus metrics

Scopus metrics are by default shown in the Haris portal. The H-index is is displayed in your profile for a period of 5 years, 10 years and all years. A graph showing volume and time period of your research output is also shown by default in connection to the metrics.

Scopus metrics (citations and h-index) is calculated based on the number of publications stored in Haris and citations from Scopus.

Metrics per individual research output are shown next to the output.

You can hide the Scopus metrics (h-index and/or citations) to be shown in your portal profile. Navigate to Edit profile > Portal profile > Show metrics. Note that If you hide metrics, they may still be shown on other pages, such as your co-authors' profiles.

Create and connect your ORCID ID in Haris

ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier) provides researchers and authors a unique and permanent digital identifier that can be used throughout research and publishing lifecycles. Open to all, non-profit and community-driven, ORCID is a non-proprietary standard maintained by the scholarly community for the benefit of research and researchers. It is of value to all career stages, from postgraduate research students to the senior academics.

ORCID ID solves the name ambiguity and flexibility problems. Names can change over time and many authors may share the same name. ORCID addresses these problems by allocating each researcher a unique, persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher, and by making this registry publicly available and searchable.

ORCID ID also enables all of your research outputs to be automatically linked to each other. You can maintain all your key information and contributions in one place. ORCID will, over time, reduce the need to enter the same personal and publication data into many different systems.

More information on the benefits of an ORCID, see Why get an ORCID?.

It is useful to give your ORCID ID, for example, in funding applications, submitted manuscripts and CV. Some publishers and funders require your ORCID identifier.

Haris includes a field for authors to record your ORCID ID. If you have an ORCID ID, you can add it into Haris by clicking Edit profile > Create or Connect your ORCID ID.

If you do not have one yet, you can apply for one easily at

Setting up automated search for publications in online sources

You can set up an automated search for publications to be imported. Three databases are scanned for publications that might be affiliated to you: Scopus, Mendeley and Fennica. Scopus is recommended to use as an import source.
The initial scan will search for publications in the last 1,825 days. The consecutive scans will take place every 7 day. The import candidates are shown on your overview page in the right column under the heading Tasks. You can also choose to have an e-mail when import candidates are found.

Setting up an automated search

For setting up an automated search start on your personal user overview page. 

1. Click on Edit profile to open the profile editor window.

picture of profile

2. Go to Automated search in the left hand menu.

3. Choose the import sources

  • Enable automated search by gliding the on/off button. Scopus is recommended to use as a source.
  • If your ORCID ID is added to your Haris profile, ORCID is by default used for identifying your publications. The Scopus ID is also added by default, if available in your profile. With these ID:s the automated search will be more accurate. It is highly recommended that you add your ORCID ID to Haris, see instructions.
  • If these ID:s are not available, Haris will suggest name variants based on the data in your profile. Click Add suggested names to add the names. You can edit, remove and add new name variants.

3. Alerts and notifications of import candidates

  • Tick Inform me by e-mail to be informed about import candidates.
  • You will be notified for available import candidates by the Tasks list on the right side of your personal overview page

4. Start importing

  • When clicking on the link in Tasks, you will be transferred to the Research output editor.


  • Import any publications that should be added to Haris.
  • Edit the suggested list of candidates publications, if needed. Remove titles flagged as duplicates or titles that are already submitted in your profile, see instructions.

Make your CVs in Haris

Once you have updated all your research outputs, activities and projects in Haris, you can produce different CVs for various purposes directly in the system.

There is a possibility to make public and private CVs. These functions are available in the menu Curriculum Vitae to the left.

The public CV is used for presentation on the Haris public portal. Once the public CV is published it is available also on the public portal. It is only possible to have one of these CVs. The private CV can be used to export your selected data from Haris to pdf and Word, and it is only visible for you.

Choose which sections or elements to add when creating your CV.



Your completed CVs are available as PDF, HTML or Word documents. You can download them by selecting the relevant option at the bottom of the screen.

The same function applies to your publications, activities and projects.