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Haris - Hanken research database

Guide to Haris - Hanken's research database

Register your publications

What publications should I register?

Always register all your publications, such as articles, books, book chapters, conference papers etc. Recently employed researchers should also register retrospectively all their publications published during the last five years, regardless of that they are not affiliated to Hanken. This is needed for reporting to Hanken's international accreditations.

How to register publications?

Before adding a new record, always check if it is already present in Haris. If your co-author or administrative staff has already registered the publication, it saves time and effort for everyone involved. This can easily be checked by searching in the editor when logged in to your account or in the Haris public portal. The system will notify you if the same or a similar title already is submitted.

Adding manually
  • Start to register new research merits by clicking the green button Add new content in the right upper corner in Haris’s administration interface or the plus sign “+” when you hover over the left-hand-side menu Research output.

Adding by importing
  • You can import publications from an online source or from a file. Import from a file mainly applies to recently employed researchers who need to register retrospectively all their publications published during the last five years. Please contact for help with retrospective imports.



The Ministry’s publication types are relied on and the library makes the ultimate choice of the publication type. To decide your paper’s publication type see the instructions by the Ministry of Education and Culture:

Publication data collection instructions for researchers

Importing publications from an online source

Instead of adding records manually, you can import publications from online sources. The following online sources are available: Scopus, Mendeley, CrossRef and Ebsco. It is recommended to use Scopus, if the publication is available, due to good data quality, but the other databases can also be used as a complementary sources.

  • Click on the button Add content or plus sign to open the submission guide.
  • Select Import from online source in the submission guide, and choose the source.

  • Enter appropriate search terms to search for the publication in question. Note that there might be publications that are already available in Haris. These are marked as duplicates. The result list might also include items relating to authors with the same author name as you. In these cases click on Remove to delete the items

  • Click the Import or Import and match button to import a chosen record.

  • A new window will open to show how the author(s) and affiliation(s) are matched. Click Import and review to check and edit the information. Scrutinize the suggestions offered, and select what you choose to import.

    Note! Especially check the internal orgaisation for yourself and Hanken for affiliated authors. It should be your current internal organisation, but the system will by default give you Hanken School of Economics. Go to Contributors and affiliations > Edit and tick the box for your current internal organisation.

  • Also add SDG keywords, if relevant to the publication.
  • Set the correct status for the record (at the foot of the record).
  • Save the record.

Setting up automated search for publications in online sources

You can set up an automated search for publications to be imported. Three databases are scanned for publications that might be affiliated to you: Scopus, Mendeley and Fennica. Scopus is recommended to use as an import source.
The initial scan will search for publications in the last 1,825 days. The consecutive scans will take place every 7 day. The import candidates are shown on your overview page in the right column under the heading Tasks. You can also choose to have an e-mail when import candidates are found.

Setting up an automated search

For setting up an automated search start on your personal user overview page. 

1. Click on Edit profile to open the profile editor window.

picture of profile

2. Go to Automated search in the left hand menu.

3. Choose the import sources

  • Enable automated search by gliding the on/off button. Scopus is recommended to use as a source.
  • If your ORCID ID is added to your Haris profile, ORCID is by default used for identifying your publications. The Scopus ID is also added by default, if available in your profile. With these ID:s the automated search will be more accurate. It is highly recommended that you add your ORCID ID to Haris, see instructions.
  • If these ID:s are not available, Haris will suggest name variants based on the data in your profile. Click Add suggested names to add the names. You can edit, remove and add new name variants.

3. Alerts and notifications of import candidates

  • Tick Inform me by e-mail to be informed about import candidates.
  • You will be notified for available import candidates by the Tasks list on the right side of your personal overview page

4. Start importing

  • When clicking on the link in Tasks, you will be transferred to the Research output editor.


  • Import any publications that should be added to Haris.
  • Edit the suggested list of candidates publications, if needed. Remove titles flagged as duplicates or titles that are already submitted in your profile, see instructions.

Importing publications from a file

It is also possible to import publications from a file from other research databases or reference managing systems. This option mainly applies to recently employed researchers who need to register retrospectively all their publications published during the last five years. Especially if you have previously been affiliated with a university using the Pure software, your research outputs can easily be imported.
Please contact for help with importing.

  • Click on the button Add content or plus sign to open the submission guide.
  • Choose the Import from file option and use file format RIS (preferred) or BIBTEX.


  • A check for duplicate records will be performed, allowing you to choose the records you want to import.
  • Click the Import or Import and match button to import a chosen record. A new window will open to show how the author(s) and affiliation(s) are matched.
  • Click Import and review to check and edit the information. The information does not have to be complete, since the records will be validated by the library.

How to register a peer-reviewed article (A1)

This is how to register an article (type A1 peer-reviewed scholarly article).

  • First choose the output type. For an A1 article, choose Contribution to journal > Article. An empty template will open. Mandatory fields are indicated by a red asterisk *.


  • Set the Publication category as Scientific and then Peer-reviewed. The Ministry of Education publication type A1 Journal article – refereed will be chosen automatically.

Publication status
  • You can add different Publication status depending on if your article is in preparation, submitted, accepted or published.


The default setting is Published, which links to your article’s status (shown at the bottom bar of the template next to the blue Save button) being set to For approval automatically.


Note that only when the publication status is Published and the publication year filled in, can the status of your record be changed to For approval. Other publication statuses will lead status of the record being Entry in progress.
More information about how is my publication’s registration approved in the tab Frequently asked questions about Haris.

Publication information
  • In the section of Publication information, add the information about your article’s original language, title and subtitle, abstract, pages (start and end page), and number of pages if known.

Contributors and affiliations
  • Add co-authors by clicking Add person. Type an author’s name to check if it already exists in the system. If your co-author is not in the system, click Create external person. It is important to add the external author’s association/organisation and especially the country.

    Authors should appear in the same order as in the publication. Use the arrows (↑ and ↓) to the right in the template for sorting.

  • Add the journal by clicking on Add journal to search for an existing title. If the journal is not available in the list of results, add it by clicking on Create new journal (books are linked to publishers in the same way). Fill in volume and issue number if known.

Access to fulltext, documents and links
  • In the section Access to fulltext, documents and links, you can add your article’s DOI number and upload a version of your article (usually the author's accepted manuscript (AAM), i.e. the post-print), after clicking Add DOI, open access document or link. You can also add links to your article in other online sources such as Scopus by clicking Add other link.

Note a DOI reference in Haris should always start with 10.XXXX, for example, 10.4018/IJESMA.2015100102. Do not add it as

Then add the following information (see the image below):

  • DOI, e.g. 10.1000/182
  • choose the Document version of your file (submitted manuscript, accepted author manuscript, proof, final published version, other version)
  • set the level of public access to your electronic version at Public access to file (open, embargoed, restricted, closed, unknown)    
    If there is embargo, add the embargo end date.
  • add license type, if known, in License to document.


The Library also checks the publisher’s copyright policy. If the uploaded copy is a version not allowed to be self-archived, the library will contact the researcher to ask for another version of the article to upload in Haris. The library also checks for embargoed journals, and do the settings for possible embargoes.
When the library has approved the record in Haris, the document will automatically be moved to DHanken if there is no embargo. In Haris, the link to the Open Access version in Dhanken is automatically generated. The article is visible in DHanken in the collection publications syncronized from Haris as well as in the subject’s collection.

If there is an embargo period, the document will be moved to DHanken after the embargo end date. The administrator of DHanken has the right to delete the document if it is a version not allowed. In that case the researcher will be informed.

Please also see How to self-archive at Hanken.

  • In the section Keywords, choose fields of research by clicking Add keywords. The available list is appointed by the Ministry. Chosen fields (at most six) should describe the publication’s fields of research, not the researcher’s. Those mostly used at Hanken are 511 Economics and 512 Business and Management. Free keywords can also be added, e.g., the keywords used in the article.
  • It is also strongly recommended to add keywords for sustainable development goals (SDG), if they can be applied to the publication.


In the section Relations, you can combine a publication (research output) with other content types that are related to the publication. Click on the content type you want to relate to, for example, a project, and search for the name of the project. Note that the project (or other content type) also needs to be registered in Haris in order to be related to. 

Relations can be created between all content types.

It is strongly recommended that publications are related to projects. With these content types related, the Haris portal gives a full picture of a project, so that research funders and others can see what research outputs the project has produced. See an example of this in the Haris portal. This function can also be used by the departments at Hanken to show their projects on Hanken's web, by linking to the projects in Haris.

  • In the Visibility section, set the visibility of your entry. The default setting, also the recommended one, is Public – No restriction. If you do not want your conference paper to be shown in the public portal, you can mark it as Restricted to Haris.   

Remember to click the blue Save button to save your registration or changes. You can re-edit all your registered research output records at any time later by clicking on the title in the overview page of your research outputs.

How to register an article in conference proceedings (A4)

Here is how to register conference papers in Haris. Mandatory fields are indicated by a red asterisk * in the template. Note those fields that are special with conference papers. Moreover, conference papers have certain fields that are not marked as being mandatory, yet nevertheless should be filled in as carefully as possible. These fields are marked in the instructions with the heading on an orange ground colour.

  • First choose Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding. Then according to the publication you are going to register, choose the suitable one from the given options, for example, Conference contribution. An empty template will open.
  • Set the Publication category as Scientific > Peer-reviewed. The Ministry of Education publication type A4 Article in conference proceedings will be chosen automatically.


If your conference paper is not peer-reviewed, choose Not peer-reviewed, and the Ministry of Education publication type B3 Article in conference proceedings will show automatically.

Publication status
  • You can add different Publication statuses and dates depending on if your conference paper is in preparation, submitted, accepted or published.


The default setting is Published, which links to the status of the whole record, shown at the bottom bar of the template next to the blue Save button, being set to For approval automatically.


Note that only when the publication status is Published with the publication year filled in, can the status of your record be changed to For approval automatically. Other publication statuses will lead to the status of the record Entry in progress.
More information about how is my publication’s registration approved in the tab Frequently asked questions about Haris.

Publication information
  • In the section of Publication information, add the information about your conference paper’s original language, title and subtitle, abstract, pages (start and end page), and number of pages if known.
Contributors and affiliations
  • Add co-authors by clicking Add person. Type in an author’s name to check if it exists already in the system. If your co-author is not in the system, click Create external person. It is important to add the external author’s association/organisation and especially the country.

Authors should appear in the same order as in the publication. Use the arrows (↑ and ↓) to the right in the template for sorting.



Title of host publication
  • In the section Titles of host publications, enter the host publication title, i.e., the title of the conference proceedings. If you do not know the title of the host publication, enter a fictional title, using the format “Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on ...” as a model.

Enter the information you know about the conference publication: publisher, volume, ISBN, editors, or details about the series information.

Note that it is particularly important to indicate the ISBN/ISSN of the conference proceedings.

To report a conference paper to the Ministry, it is required that the paper is available as full text (not only as abstract or extended abstract), that the paper is publicly available, AND that the conference proceedings have an ISBN/ISSN.

Access to fulltext, documents and links
  • In the section Access to fulltext, documents and links, you can add information about the full text version of your conference paper, if the full text is available. Please make sure that your entry does not violate any copyright law of the conference, for example, about uploading a conference paper into an institutional repository.

Note that you are not supposed to upload the conference paper as a self-archived copy in Haris in the case that, for example, you will contribute the paper to a journal later.

If the full text of the conference paper or the conference proceedings, is available, for example, on the conference’s website, please enter the link by clicking Add link to an electronic version.


  •  In the section Keywords, choose fields of research by clicking Add keywords. The available list is appointed by the Ministry. Chosen fields (at most six) should describe the publication’s fields of research, not the researcher’s. Those mostly used at Hanken are 511 Economics and 512 Business and Management. Free keywords can also be added, e.g., the keywords used in the publication.
  • It is also recommended to add keywords for sustainable development goals (SDG), if they can be applied to the publication.


  • In the section Event, enter the information about the conference. Click Add event.

Type in the name of the conference to check if it exists already in the system. If it does, choose the pre-existing one.  If the conference is not in the system, click Create new.

To create a new conference, the following information is compulsory:

  •     conference title
  •     start and end date of the conference.

 Please also add the following information, if available:

  •     abbreviated title
  •     conference number
  •     link to the conference website
  •     the degree of recognition (Is the conference international, national, regional or local)
  •     the location (city and country) of the conference.




In the section Relations, you can combine a publication (research output) with other content types that are related to the publication. Click on the content type you want to relate to, for example, a project, and search for the name of the project. Note that the project (or other content type) also needs to be registered in Haris in order to be related to. 

Relations can be created between the following content types: publications, activities, projects, awards, prizes, press/media and datasets.

It is strongly recommended that publications are related to projects. With these content types related, the Haris portal gives a full picture of a project, so that research funders and others can see what research outputs the project has produced. See an example of this in the Haris portal. This function can also be used by the departments at Hanken to show their projects on Hanken's web, by linking to the projects in Haris.

  • In the Visibility section, set the visibility of your entry. The default setting, also the recommended one, is Public – No restriction. If you do not want your conference paper to be shown in the public portal, you can mark it as Restricted to Haris.


  • Remember to click the blue Save button to save your registration or changes. You can re-edit all your registered research output records at any time later by clicking on the title in the overview page of your research outputs.